think anew

Anew® is a problem-solving company and single-use bottles are a problem. We created a regenerative, circular water bottle to help solve it. Small choices can lead to meaningful changes. Let’s make the world anew.


anew bottle

Made in New Zealand from a renewable plant-based material, Anew® makes reuseable bottles that are durable, lightweight and dishwasher safe.

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Made in New Zealand from a renewable plant-based material, our bottle comes filled with water and is designed to be refilled and reused.

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Durable, lightweight and dishwasher safe, anew bottles are designed to be reused again and again. A response to the single-use problem.



This bottle is also household recyclable, fitting in with our busy day to day lives.


anew system

Anew® promotes a circular life cycle in response to the single-use problem. This bottle is our example of what is possible for packaging. It is reusable, household recyclable or, if returned to one of our collection points, will be made into another bottle, here in New Zealand.

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  • Do you create packaging for other businesses?

    Yes. Chances are that the people making great products in their field, aren’t packaging experts as well. That’s where we come in. We want those experts to do what they do best, while we make sure their products are packaged sustainably as well as beautifully.

  • Are your reusable plant-based bottles and caps recyclable?

    Yes. Our material is physically and chemically identical to traditional petrochemical plastic materials. The
    difference is, our material is made from plants instead of fossil fuels and has a lower carbon footprint in
    production. We use the same material for both our bottle and cap, so the entire bottle can be recycled the same way. This means it can be recycled in the same stream used for recycling traditional (#2) and you
    can place it in your recycling bin at home, unlike other bio-based plastics.

    Recycling collected in New Zealand still runs the risk of being shipped off-shore or not recycled properly.
    For example, collected beverage bottles are downcycled, meaning more virgin polymer is required to
    make the next bottle. This is why we take responsibility for our bottles, even after we have sold them and
    you have finished reusing them. When you return Anew bottles back to us through our convenient
    collection points, we recycle them into new bottles, right here in New Zealand.

  • How do anew® plant-based plastics capture carbon and reduce your carbon footprint?

    The production stage for our material shows that every tonne of our material produced, captures and
    stores up to 3 tonne of CO2 from the atmosphere. Which sounds too good to be true, but it is. Growing plants
    take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, they use this CO2 for photosynthesis, producing sugars and more complex molecules. The carbon dioxide captured while the plant grows remains stored in our plastic material during its entire life cycle (as long as it is not incinerated).

  • Are anew® bottles safe to drink from?

    We know that not everyone is on the same side of the fence with eating and drinking from plastic. We aren’t either with some materials frequently used today. There must have been thousands of tests done on plastic to ensure it was safe for humans. We use it everyday, whether we like it or not. 


    This is what you will find in research; Cancer research UK quotes “Using plastics doesn't cause cancer. This includes drinking from plastic bottles and using plastic containers and bags to store food in.” Which is a broad stroke considering the amount of different types of plastic.

    But to answer the question, as far as plastic goes, Yes. Our material is obviously certified food safe under US and European regulations. Our plant-based material is produced to be safe and has a low risk of leaching.

    Some plastic is made with a nasty called nonylphenol, which has been found to be dangerous to aquatic life. Nonylphenol is also an endocrine disruptor.


    We don't use any of that.

  • Why is anew® plant-based plastic so important?

    Our bottles are made from renewable resources. Traditional plastic is made from raw materials such as oil or natural gas, which are a non-renewable, finite resource. This is similar to glass, which is made from sand. Once these resources are gone, they are gone forever. The extraction processes used to obtain fossil fuels and non-renewable resources are associated with many negative environmental impacts including risks of oil spills, destruction of wide areas of land and the ocean floor. The switch to renewable resources and reducing the need for fossil fuels is an essential part of maintaining a habitable planet.

  • Is anew® plant-based plastic made in an environmental way?

    Our materials are made using mainly renewable energy that comes from the plants’ by-products (waste),
    making it nearly entirely energy self-sufficient. The production of materials follows a code of conduct
    which covers 5 pillars – reduction of burning-off, conserving biodiversity, good environmental practices,
    respect for human rights and life cycle assessment. This is guaranteed by a third party auditing programme.

  • Where do you make your bottles and packaging?

    In New Zealand. Made in New Zealand, stays in New Zealand.

  • Is the whole bottle and cap made from plant based material?

    Everything. Aside from the ink, which we are working on. We do not use any labels or adhesives and print directly onto the bottle to
    cut down on unnecessary material, but all hard components are the same material. This is important
    because other products are generally made up of multiple materials, making recycling or other end of life
    processes complex. Because our packaging is a mono-material product, meaning it’s all made from the same material, recycling it is simple.

  • Is there any noticeable difference in the plastic?

    Nope. We try to keep the positives of plastic, but redesign the negatives while allowing you to go about your day-to-day, with less harm. It is plastic, but not as you know it.

  • Is the use of pesticides and fungicides a regular practice during growing the plants?

    Any pests are managed through responsible farming practices, mitigating the need for pesticides, which are used minimally. The use of fungicides is almost never and on a “if we absolutely have to” basis.

  • Do you use genetically modified crops?

    No genetically modified crops are used.

  • Do the plants require high amounts of water for irrigation?

    Traditionally a rainfed method was used with minimal water top-up if required. Recently this has transitioned to a drop irrigation method which delivers water and nutrients directly to the roots of
    the plants, which offers an increase of at least 65% in plant yields compared to the rainfed method. This is highly aligned with the objectives of the farmers, who seek to produce more using less. Drip irrigation is a great example of this, as it boosts yields while minimizing the consumption of fertilizer and water per ton produced.

  • Does the consumption of plants for anew® plant-based plastic production have any impact on food production?

    Currently, the area of land required for growing the plants to plant based material we use makes up less than
    0.02% of the total arable land available for food production in the area. The use of land for the production of products other than food should continue representing a small percentage of the total land available, even as we help transition consumers and businesses out of oil-based plastics and into renewables. Any discussion for expansion would take into account the environmental, economic and social aspects in
    order to coordinate the sustainable expansion of renewable feedstock cultivation.

  • Why do you use plastic bottles?

    Plastic has positives. It’s lightweight, shatter-proof and affordable, alongside lowering carbon emissions created from food-waste, or heavier alternatives such as glass. There is no denying that traditional plastic also comes with problems: it is made from finite resources; it has carbon-intensive lifecycles; and an end-of-life system (recycling) that is doing its best, but has not managed to stave off the environmental effects of plastic pollution. We try to keep this simple. Keep the positives, change the negatives. This has led us to what we see as the best current solution available, which is anew® bottles and packaging: made from renewable resources; designed to be reused; has less of a carbon footprint; can be returned to anew®, keeping the raw materials in use for as long as possible; and mitigating the need for virgin materials.

    Choosing anew® means you can keep doing everything you were before, with less harm.

  • Why don’t you use glass packaging?

    Our main focus is to decarbonise supply chains and make them circular. It is estimated that glass bottles have a carbon footprint three times that of traditional plastic bottles. Glass has its positives, but like most things, also has its negatives. Glass bottles are heavy to ship and generally require extra packaging to enable it to travel safely. The sand used to make glass is also a finite resource and according to some sources, is one of the most over-mined resources in the world. The extraction of it can be very damaging for the environment and the recycling of glass is a very energy intensive process. We also have limited abilities to do this in New Zealand. We believe our anew® plant-based plastic, paired with our anew® circular system is the best packaging option available for us, and to offer to other businesses who are wanting to offer sustainable, circular packaging.

  • Can recycled plastics be recycled over and over?

    There’s often a finite number of times materials can be recycled before they have to go to landfill. The
    polymers that make up the different types of plastic can get cross-contaminated, or absorb particles from the substance they contain. Sources say recyclable plastics can usually be recycled seven to nine times, some say less. Our goal is to keep materials in circulation for as long as possible, which is why we design for reuse before any recycling infrastructure is considered. We are working on techniques to keep our
    materials in circulation for as long as possible and will continue to find uses for it, so it never becomes

  • BPA-free?

    Yes, all our bottles are BPA free.

  • Can I use my anew® bottle for hot drinks?

    No, our bottles are not designed for hot beverages

  • Is this just another bottle?

    We don’t know any other example in the world where a bottle and system like anew® exists.

    One million plastic bottles are sold around the world every minute. We all know this is an issue given what
    plastic is made from and what happens to it after we finish with it.

    The anew® bottle tackles some of the main environmental problems other bottles present. Finite resources, high carbon footprints, single-use, a sub-par system.

    It's anew® way forward.

  • What is Alkaline water?

    “Alkaline water has a higher pH level than that of plain tap water. So proponents say that it can neutralize
    acid in your bloodstream. Some say that alkaline water can help prevent disease, such as cancer and
    heart disease. However, more research is needed to verify these claims. Some studies also suggest that alkaline water might help slow bone loss. But further studies are needed to find out if it influences overall bone mineral density and if the benefit continues over the long term.” – according to Google.

    Ultimately, we are packaging people. Yes, we chose what we see as the most beneficial water to be
    drinking, from a local source that produces naturally alkaline water. But we are not a bottled water company. We are not going to try to sell you water. We will provide you with a bottle however, one that gives you an alternative to single-use, oil based plastics.

  • Is this green washing?

    No, here is how we see it;
    - We all know we need to stop using fossil fuels - so we provide an option made from renewable resources.
    - Most people also agree that we should stop single use packaging. So we are placing a reusable product in the single use market to assist with this transition.
    - When bottles are returned, we make them into new bottles in NZ. Most standard recycling doesn’t
    work that like that
    - Because plants capture carbon when they grow, and are renewable, we see this as better than removing fossil oil from the ground
    - Our bottle and cap are the same material, and this makes our whole product a mono material product. Compared to mixed material packaging which makes circularity difficult.
    - We believe that amongst our material and system options, this is the most sustainable solution
    available right now. We are also constantly developing improvements and new materials as
    technology catches up.

  • Are you just adding another bottle into the world?

    No, in fact, by providing a reusable option, we hope to see less bottles in the world. The facts are that 1 million plastic bottles are sold around the world every minute. This number is climbing. These bottles are generally single use, and made from finite resources. The only end of life option for them is traditional recycling.


    We are providing a choice away from these bottles. A choice that doesn’t rely on finite resources, is designed for reuse, and has the option to be turned into a new bottle, here in NZ.